Saturday, October 24, 2015

HVAC and Wires Everywhere!

The girls came with us to check on the house and enjoyed hanging out in their  own rooms! Right now they're sharing a room in the rental and more than ever appreciate the thought of having a little space... even if it's space with no walls, floors or ceilings. haha! It's pretty cool to see all of the HVAC being installed. The amount of work and skill that have already gone into the house is so amazing!!!


  1. I could really relate to your blog. I am big on doing home improvements especially when it comes to HVAC repair and working on wires. It's like the old story goes, a picture tells a thousand work. It's really nice to be able to monitor your progress with photos and see how far you have come.

  2. It's great watching something coming together, and seeing it before it's finished can really give a sense of familiarity and security. The finished house looks fantastic, but it's also nice to see what work went in to this. The satisfaction of having such a huge part of building your own home is a wonder.

    Levi Eslinger @ Capital Plumbing

  3. It’s beautiful that you are sharing this with your children. This is also a great learning experience for them. In the modern world, children rarely get a chance to see how things are made. Because your girls are seeing the step by step process of their house being built, they will cherish it more as their home.

    Ambrose @ Brown & Reaves Services, Inc.
